Week One Complete

Congratulations for making it through Week 1!


Congratulations for making it through Week 1!

How is everyone doing? If you're like Aubrey P, you're currently in your kitchen sitting on a yoga mat in child's pose waiting for the pain to go away and wondering, 'What have I gotten myself into? I can't keep this up for 23 more days!' In the words of Tracey Anderson, "You really can and you really must!" March is a marathon, not a sprint. That being said, we love to see when people come out the gates with the goal of sprinting the marathon!

Week 1 Highlights

Marathon Achievements

We had some impressive marathon-equivalent achievements this week:

112-Mile Bike Ride Reactions:

  • "Who the f**k is going to bike that far? You need to cut the distance in half and then maybe someone would do it, but even that is crazy!!"
  • "Hypothetically speaking, if one were interested in doing a bike ride, where would one find a bike and where would one ride it?"
  • "Day 3: 112 mile ride with friends" - James Kinney [Congrats to our first marathon cyclist!]

2.4-Mile Swim Achievements:

  • Congrats to Andrew C and Costi U for setting the bar for 'couple goals' with a 2.4 mile open water swim!
  • Special mention to Elena who casually logged 100 laps of swimming with the neanderthalian comment of "swim good" but didn't give herself the special points. Just an average day for Elena, I guess…

Geographic Representation

Strong showing from New Mexico with:

  • Kristin P
  • Eric
  • Zev
  • Tyler C
  • Alex B
  • Jessica N
  • Sena
  • Monica
  • Mimi

Note to everyone else: Add your locations! Go to settings in the bottom left of the menu bar and let us know where in the world you are!

Leaderboard Updates

  • Congratulations to Matthew C, Alessandra J, and James J for leading the pack after week 1
  • Special mention for keeping Jordy B at bay!

Wall of Shame

We have 22 athletes with zero points logged. If you see your partner, friend, or loved one at the bottom of the leaderboard, shoot them a note! We'd like to cut that number in half for next week!

Category Leaders - Week 1

Please mark these in Day 8 Bonus Points

Points Distribution:

  • 1st Place: 10 Bonus pts
  • 2nd Place: 5 pts
  • 3rd Place: 3 pts

Note: These reset each week, so everyone is starting fresh for Week 2's Category leaderboard.

Special shoutout to Yoan for the electrifying victory in the high intensity cardio category!

Week 2 Changes and Additions

Partner Week - 10% Bonus

Check out the "Partner Week" tab in the "Leaderboard" section to see your partner!


  1. You are paired up with a partner
  2. You receive a bonus of 10% of your partner's week 2 score added as bonus points to your score on day 15
  3. Suggestion: Leave comments on your partner's workouts for motivation!

Fitness with a Friend - 25 Bonus Points

  • One-time bonus this week for working out with others
  • Must be something you wouldn't normally do

What Counts:

  • Doing extra core work with a teammate
  • Getting your spouse to do yoga with you
  • Texting a friend to go on a run
  • Facetiming a fellow March Fitnesser for a hotel workout

What Doesn't Count:

  • Regular scheduled practice
  • Weekly padel games
  • Any workout you'd normally do with others

Partner Week Card Workout - 70 Special Points

Limit one-time this week

Equipment Needed:

  • Dumbbells
  • Treadmill/sprint area
  • Pull-up bar


  1. Shuffle the deck (52 cards, no jokers)
  2. Follow the cards (see attachment or "Special" section under "Earning Points")
  3. Wait for partner to finish before starting next exercise
  4. Partner workouts: same person draws again
  5. Partner workouts and Sprint have no suit multiplier
  6. Everything gets doubled by a 2!

Don't forget to log your time and note which exercises got doubled!

Happy Fitnessing!