March Fitness Constitution
The constitution of March Fitness
March Fitness Constitution
With the winter solstice a distant memory of yesteryear, we, the architects of the March Fitness Competition, in order to form a more perfect body, to establish the principles of friendly contest, to ensure international camaraderie, to provide for common enjoyment, to promote the general welfare of physical and mental well-being, and to secure the blessings of fitness to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the March Fitness Competition.
Herein, we lay the foundations not upon the sands of rivalry, but upon the bedrock of mutual respect, trust and honesty, and the shared joy in the pursuit of fun, health, unity, and self-improvement.
Let it be known that this gathering is convened not for profit but rather for inalienable glory and the common good of all people. It is important to maintain these foundational principles, for while we honor the Champions of March Fitness, we also relish in 30-day Streakers' consistent pursuit of self-betterment in the face of deadlines, travels, hangovers, and general adversity. We take pride in reaching the summit but, too, celebrate the climb itself.
Core Principles
1. Fun First
This is a game. Prioritize fun and enjoyment for all participants.
2. High Integrity
All participants must hold themselves to the highest standard of honesty. This is largely an honor system based on self-reporting. No incremental point is as valuable as a loss of trust is costly. When in doubt, ask the Audit Committee.
3. Respectful Competition
While the ultimate competition is with the you of yesterday, there is and forever will be a leaderboard, point system, and a singular winner. The nature of this challenge is meant to be one of sportsmanship and competition.
4. March Fitness is Not for Profit
The only compensation anyone organizing March Fitness should seek is knowing that you contributed to a forum for your friends and loved ones to become better versions of themselves. Participation is encouraged!
5. Community Engagement
Equally as important as the point totals is the engagement with fellow athletes. Words of support, respectful trash talk, polite challenges to points, and collaborative workouts are all key components of the contest.
6. Embrace the Challenge
Not all workouts will be easy. Not all early wake-ups will be welcome. Mentally prepare for some "Type 2" fun to ensure you are pleasantly surprised with the "Type 1" moments throughout the month.
7. Radical Inclusivity
We are aware that not all individuals can perform all exercises but we seek to level the playing field insofar as it does not undermine the spirit of the competition. As long as participants agree to follow the March Fitness Constitution, the more, the merrier.
8. Audit Committee Sovereignty
The Audit Committee does their best to uphold the principles of the competition. Their word is final. Suggestions for the following year's contest are welcome and regularly incorporated.
...and with this Constitution hereby ratified, let the games begin!